Pico Rivera Parks & Recreation
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Members of the Community Gardens: Mandatory Clean-Up Days

Join Us to Refresh our Green Spaces!

Gardening members come together to support the maintenance and beautification of the  Community Gardens, by weeding, planting, and sprucing up to ensure our green spaces thrive and remain a welcoming orderly space for everyone.

We are committed to continue to work together to cultivate beauty and foster a sense of pride in our shared spaces. Light refreshments will be provided.

What to bring:
Gardening gloves and tools
Wear comfortable clothing
Sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses
Reusable water bottle

1st Mandatory Date: March 8, 2025
2nd Mandatory Date: June 7, 2025
Time: 8AM-11Am
Location: 8606 Beverly Rd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660
For more information please call Rio Hondo Park at (562) 801-4931, Monday-Thursday, 4p-7p, please ask for Rosa Aguilar.