REACH - Recreation & Education Accelerating Children's Hopes
REACH is an after school program provided to expand the learning that occurred from the regular school day. REACH staff will be offering homework/class work assistance. Also, REACH staff will provide engaging activities. Students who are enrolled in the REACH Program will be provided with Free Supplies and Materials for the activities.
REACH students will also cover several topics including:
- Culinary
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Literacy
- Science
- Technology
- Engineering
- Mathematics
REACH is a demonstration of the commitment and investment the City has made to increase the quality of life of its youth. REACH is open to students in grades TK-5th that attend the El Rancho Unified School District. The following elementary school sites offer the after-school program: Birney, Durfee, Magee, North Ranchito, Rio Vista, Rivera, South Ranchito, and Valencia. REACH operates concurrent to the school year and students must attend REACH in person each day they attend school.
Regular attendance is required. Students may only participate in REACH on days they attend school. Students are expected to actively participate and stay for the entire program each day. Students are allowed (3) unexcused absences before they are dropped from the program. Students may have an excused absence for medical appointments or family emergencies. Please provide documentation with (3) days, to the site coordinator, to excuse absences.
Early Release
Parents/Guardians may apply for early release for children who regularly scheduled, standing appointments each week, an off-site enrichment program, or in an athletic program. Early releases are granted on a limited case-by-case basis, A MAXIMUM OF TWO EARLY RELEASES PER WEEK, and will only be granted if child is directly participating in such activity. Approvals should be secured. Prior to the student's early release.
Pick-Up Times:
Everyday pick up time is 5:50pm
Modified day pick up time 5:00pm